Your Pet's Daily Dental Health Routine

To maintain proper dental care at home, pet parents must practice daily brushing.

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Feb 1, 2023

Just as with humans, pets need the plaque and biofilm removed from their teeth on a daily basis to avoid dental disease. To maintain proper dental care at home, pet parents must practice daily brushing.


Many pets will accept daily brushing by their owners, although some will not. We are here to teach you how to brush your pet's teeth and provide you with the best brush and dental paste according to your pet's size and flavor preference.

Believe it or not, daily brushing can be a bonding experience for owners and your pet may come to actually enjoy the process.

However, not every pet will tolerate tooth brushing and not every person is willing or able to brush their pet's teeth—in this case, your Parker & Ace vet team will work with you to find the next best solution for home care.


The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) lists many pet diets and treats that can be helpful if your pet will not tolerate brushing ( These approved diets and treats provide some supplemental dental care. However, just as humans require regular dental care to maintain proper dental health, it takes more than a chew toy to properly care for your pet companion's mouth, gums and teeth.


During your veterinary visits to Parker & Ace, we will examine your pet's teeth and will show you the obvious lesions that need to be addressed. We are most concerned with signs of gingivitis, broken teeth, periodontal disease and other painful dental and oral lesions, and we might also recommend a thorough dental cleaning.

Tired of bad breath? Visit Parker & Ace for a dental check-up.